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Parents play a key role in a child to success in his/her personal and professional life. Several studies have shown that children perform better at school if their parents are fully involved.

Every parent wishes to give their child access to the best education as it opens up plenty of opportunities for a more happy life. In recent times, children are having a hard time coping with the traditional schooling system due to various factors, one of which is the global pandemic.

Parents are left with no choice with the closure of schools but to either opt for homeschooling or continue with online classes. If you’re one of those who are debating between these two options, then homeschooling should be your number one choice. While you may have heard of numerous challenges with this kind of learning system, it also presents several advantages. Some include children performing better at tests, more emotional freedom, flexible schedules, being more independent, and no peer pressure.

For any parent, the idea of homeschooling a kid brings with it a multitude of responsibilities. Right from gathering teaching materials to set a daily schedule can be quite an overwhelming experience.

Well, you might be wondering how parents can keep their children on track and successfully navigate through the pros and cons of homeschooling? Here are some effective ways to organize your home learning environment.

● Do some research- After you decide to take charge of your child’s education, the first and foremost step is to do some research. While researching, you need to look into- the pros and cons of homeschooling, how to come up with a schedule that will work for both you and your child, and some ways to provide a fun learning platform. The ultimate goal of this new learning system is to engage your child in the learning process, establish a connection and provide a sense of normalcy and continuity.

● Make a map of the school year ahead of time- After you do some thorough research, the next best thing is to come up with a working structure of the school year way ahead of time. One of the best ways to develop a map is to split the bigger goals into smaller ones. Once you do this, you should also prepare an outline of the learning areas that need more attention. You must also incorporate some fun activities that you will be doing with your child.

● Create a learning environment- Any homeschooled child needs to have a designated space for learning. Your child must have access to all the learning materials. He/she must be able to work on projects and experiments in one place without any distractions. If your child is old enough, make sure to involve him/her in setting up the place.

● Make it easy for your child to adapt to the new environment- One of the challenges you may face while working with your child in a home setting is adjusting to the new environment. To make the learning experience more comfortable for you and your child, you should start with just one or two subjects during the first two weeks and then gradually add more as you ramp up. This will help your child to get adjusted to the new system and also build a routine.

● Communicate with other homeschoolers- A good way to establish a well-structured learning environment for your child is to collaborate with homeschoolers in your neighborhood. This will not only make the process easier but will also expand educational opportunities.